Returns Information

Cancellation & Returns

If you would like to return your items for a refund, you are eligible to do so within 30 days of purchase. Please help us to improve our services by letting us know the reason why.

Please see full Terms and Conditions below:

To be eligible for a return, your items must be returned within 30 days of the purchase date, as well as being unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging, with a receipt or proof of purchase included so the item can be identified as yours on arrival with our warehouse.

For items which are incorrect, defective or damaged, the Buyer must notify the Seller of the issue at the time of delivery, or soon thereafter. 

You (The Buyer) must ensure that any goods to be returned are securely packaged to ensure that they are returned undamaged and suitable for resale. We (The Seller) reserve the right to charge for any items returned which cannot be re-sold.

If you (The Buyer) are shipping a product over £75 in value, you should consider using an insured shipping service to cover your item in the event that it is lost or damaged in transit.

Bespoke and custom items are not eligible for return once the order has been confirmed.

Items are not eligible for return, refund or exchange after 30-days of purchase.

Return Shipping

To ship returns, you should mail your product to: OrderPackaging.co.uk Returns, Unit 29, Lingfield Point, McMullen Road, Darlington, DL1 1RW, United Kingdom.

Return shipping costs are NOT covered by OrderPackaging.co.uk (unless by prior arrangement) and return delivery must be arranged and covered by the buyer.

If goods are refused at the delivery address and ‘returned to sender’, you are no longer present at the address or there are three failed delivery attempts; this is not a valid method of return, and the return fees we incur on the buyer’s behalf will be reflected in any refund due.

If delivery fails at a delivery address and parcels are returned to sender as a result, the same return surcharges incurred for each consignment will be deducted from any refund due. Orders subject to delivery delays and/or any factors outside of our control resulting in a later arrival than expected, still fall within the standard return guidelines.


Once the goods are received and inspected, we will contact you via email to notify you of whether or not the return is accepted or rejected.

If accepted, your refund* will be processed the same day and a credit will be applied back to your initial payment method within 28 days. If after 28 days your refund is still not visible on your account, please Contact Us.

*We (The Seller) reserve the right to charge a 10% restocking fee for orders whereby The Buyer has not notified The Seller of the intention to return within 14-days from purchase. 


We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. If you would like to exchange an item, you would be welcome to return your order as above and re-order a different item in the meantime.

If you need a replacement item due to it being incorrect, or if it is defective or damaged, please Contact Us and provide supporting images and details regarding the issue, and a replacement order or refund will be issued (if accepted).

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